Well Friday was a really good day at work - I really was on a roll. I presented my project and asked for everybody's thoughts and ideas at the end of the breakfast briefing and raised a page for discussion on the company intranet and I got good feed back almost straight away . So will into completing my tasks. Problem was that as the day for on my hip became more painful and had to get DH to pick me up at the end of the day . Went straight to bed with some Paracetamol and codeine the pain was that bad. I slept most of the evening and well into late morning. The pain has subsided but I'm worried that its a new twist to the health thing.
On another note , here are some of the pieces I've completed recently - these where for the round robin I'm in
Love your RR especially the teapot. hope you are feeling better
Me, too! (teehee...just kidding! I loved your comment on my "comment" post. Thanks for taking part in the discussion.)
Love the stitching :0
Well done on the work front - look after yourself though, take care x x x
WTG on the presentation. Great RR pieces - love the cheerful bag. :0)
Hi Karan , oops it's not a bag - it's a teapot !!!!
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