Thought things where going to well - enjoying work , son engaged and happy , eye improving.
Last Monday we where told that the shop was closing in 90 days. Yesterday the area manager phoned to say that we were in fact closing on May 28th !!!! And so the job hunt starts again in earnest !!!! Wish me luck !!!
Just goes to show you can't trust the boss!Good luck!
Bummer. Good luck.
I'm so sorry, even though it's not a surprise it's still a shock. Here's hoping something will turn up that is easier to get to!
Ohh Jan how awful.Good luck....
Good Luck with the job hunting - hope you can find something a little nearer to home this time.
Jan, petal, it's so hard to see what's coming as a positive, but I am sure you will find (with all your skills and training) something more to your liking and closer to home soon.
Don't sell yourself short, do market all your talents (including your fabulous stitchery!), and get out there and get set to impress... Your son's engagement, your sister getting back in touch, stuff comes in threes, there's another positive out there for you, I forecast it!
Mwah! (and two fingers for Sad Anonymouse!) Fhi xxx
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