Fleas are jumpin and the nettles are high !!!! Lol !
Yes it's lovely not to be whingeing about the rain , however Jaz has had to be treated for fleas thanks to the local hedgehog population so we're all suffering from his little friends.
I'm still not in permanent work but I am in long term temp work at the research council which although precarious is okay. My days are shorter than when I was at the chemist . The pay isn't as good but it's a nice environment and down time is good.
Last week there was a trip to Bushwackers complete with free barbecue - dressing up and face paints a must (didn't go as DH was hockeying) . The week before was lunch at the local Italian - very yummy.
My eyes went really bad during the last week or so in the shop and where still bad when I started this job - I was down to 4mg of pred . Then I developed a temperature and bright red cheeks (parvo virus - slapped cheek syndrome - lovely) which explained the eye deterioration . So I upped my preds as I don't have an appointment at the hospital till next month and guess what , it worked !I'm now starting to reduce again so will see how it goes.
As my eyes have improved , I've gone back to stitching but the heat is stopping me doing too much.
I've found out the sex of my grandchild to be put promised not to say till 20 weeks is passed - need less to say it prompted me to pop out and buy !!!
Ellie has a day of creative writing with her 'gifted' group on Tuesday.
Our holiday is the first week in August - can't wait !
Hello Jan ,sorry to hear you had to put up medication, but at least it works..Weather here is great too, but too warm to stitch.
Enjoy your sunny Sunday
Hope you're soon feeling much better... & the unwanted visitors are soon gone. I used Frontline on both my cat & dog regularly & it worked a treat. Glad the new job is working better for you.... & hope it leads to something more permanent. :0)
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