
Monday, August 03, 2009

They say it comes in threes !!!!

Well I woke this morning to find I'd lost half my tooth !!! It was mostly filling anyway so it must have worked it's way loose and I've swallowed it .The good news is that I've found an NHS dentist quite local that's taking on new patients so as I was working today DH was despatched to pick up forms and he got one for himself while he was there. I hope to get an appointment by the end of the week as there's a spiky bit which was rubbing on my tongue today. I was tempted to put a temp filling in but thought better as it would probably cause removal problems so instead I've put a piece of chewing gum over it which seems to have worked . Hospital tomorrow (old hospital just to touch base so no blood tests etc but will ask about bone scan) Needless to say couldn't really concentrate at work with pain, but as FF is back tomorrow while I'm off and 'Santas little helper' (the temp who's after my job) is in situ I had to make the effort and worked on my presentations.
It occured to me that I didn't post pictures from the retreat, so here are a few

This was the view on my morning walk
the style of quilt I'm aiming for using my jellyroll - not ready for photos yet though

An Idea I'd like to try but maybe with appliqued butterflies or dragonflies - we'll see - I don't think I'm that clever.
Anyway I've got some stitching to go yet. DH is taking DD to Lincoln this weekend so I may do some more while they're away - we'll see


SheilasEmbroidery said...

Hope the tooth holds out until you get your appointment. I had a cap came off and caused the same problem and it caused a small ulcer in my cheek. Love the quilts I'm sure you can do a beauty

Gina E. said...

Hi Jan,
I've just discovered you are a Follower of my blog! I haven't added this follower thing to my blogs, as I reckon they can get just too 'busy' with all the add-ons, so I leave mine as plain as possible. But thanks for following mine! I didn't realise it was you (from Stitchin fingers) until I saw your post about the round robins, and I thought "Ah! I know her!!" So I'm adding you to my sidebar.
Gosh you really have had a bad year with your's been a bad year all round for most people I think, with the financial situation, swine flu, and fires and floods here in Australia.
2010 can only improve!